How Much Social Media Is Too Much? – 10/02/2014

“I have Facebook, I don’t need Twitter”
“I have a Website – that is plenty”
“What is LinkedIn, Pintrest, Google+?!”

Can you have too much social media?

No…….. BUT you need to use what works for you. Having one of everything but never updating it is worse than having a couple of active ones. If you don‘t update it, people will assume you‘re not using it and won‘t follow you.

Facebook was the leader in social media four years ago but Twitter and LinkedIn have caught up. Others are hot on their tails as people find new ways of networking and connecting.

Social media can be confusing to start with but used correctly, it is a valuable tool and can be absolutely FREE.

When using it, remember to think of yourself as the customer. What would you like to see, how do you want to read it, would you be interested in that picture? Only post what you would want to read.

Don‘t be disheartened if you feel it is not doing anything at the start. Even if people have found your Website, phone number or simply your name, you‘ve still gained exposure you wouldn‘t have had without it.

Have as much social media as you want BUT only what you will use!